Sunday, September 7, 2014

nashvegas y'all

So this past weekend (Labor Day weekend) I visited one of my favorite people, in one of my favorite places. My boyfriend, John, in Nashville, TN. 

This is a little blurb about myself, I am in a long distant relationship, but we make it work :) (and hey, at least he's currently in a city I ADORE)

Anyways, so the week before my trip was my first week back in school for the fall semester, and what better way to kick off the school year than with a little jet-setting! So I anxiously (more like extremely stressed out and overwhelmed) packed my bags (between the already accumulating class readings and assignments) to get ready to go.

Thursday quickly came (I only have class Tuesday-Thursday), I packed my car with my luggage, headed to my classes for the day, and when the clock hit 1:50 I was the first one out the door of my business statistics class (okay, maybe not really) I was finally on my way to the airport, and more than ready to be in Nashville and greeted with a hug! 

***Skipping past my non-eventful traveling consisting of traffic, traffic, more traffic, navigating through the worst airport ever, (DFW) trying to find food in the terminal because I was STARVING, and flying through the air while studying the textbooks I packed (GEEZ it was the first week of classes WHY)***

Once in Nashville, I had the BEST long weekend! In fact, I had such a lovely time that I FORGOT to take pictures or EVEN TAKE my camera with me most of the time (and it took up a TON of luggage space!) But regardless, John and I had a blast (or at least I did :P) He selflessly took me to do and see everything I could have ever imagined. 

We went to The Frist Museum (where cameras weren't allowed anyways) and I don't know about him, but I felt so scholarly walking around the showcased art. I'm silly, I know. The exhibits were fantastic, consisting of real/surreal art, a celebration of animations over time, and my favorite, Illustrations by Maira Kalman from the writing style guide, "The Elements of Style." Something about walking around a quiet room of very cool, but very silly illustrations, and sharing silent laughter with John, (literally no one was talking) just completely tickled me. I loved every second of it.

I could go on and on about every little thing we did within the span of 4 days and 5 nights, but to sum it up, it was all just so grand. It consisted of Lush, fruit tea, a ton of Mexican food (and eating in general), coffee shops, brunch (see, a lot of eating), games with friends, swimming, seeing downtown, pedicures (yes, just YES), and so much more. 

// walking around downtown//

Isn't the skyline pretty? It was a perfectly overcast day and the temperature outside was such a relieving break from the hot, hot weather we've been having in Texas. There was even a breeze!!!


We also went to this super awesome (super hipster) coffee shop/ breakfast joint. It was just so cool! It took forever to get through the line, but it was so worth it. They had homemade pastries and danishes, MACARONS, fresh teas, and so much more. I had a whiskey caramel iced coffee, and a sausage biscuit with a mandarin marmalade! The coffee was incredible, and clearly so were our biscuits...
(I was clearly WAY too excited and hungry to get a before picture, lol)

// jenis jenis JENIS (AKA the BEST ice cream)//

Overall, my weekend with John was perfection. I don't think I could name a favorite day or moment, I'm just thankful for the time we got to spend together. If you're reading this, John, thank you so very much for being the absolute sweetest :) I cannot wait until next time.

This was definitely from my last trip to Nash before this one, but I wanted to share since I'm such a dork and didn't get a pic together this time. Next time I won't make such a rookie mistake ;)

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