Saturday, November 1, 2014

give thanks

Hooray, it's officially the first of November! This means that in just a few short weeks we'll all be surrounded by the ones we love most, shoving our faces with delicious food, and taking the best naps of ours lives. And not only does it mean Thanksgiving's around the corner, it means we're only one month away from the most wonderful time of the year! Don't you just love the Holiday Season?

So in honor of such a joyous time, and the first of the month. I've decided to share thirty things in my life that I'm so thankful for. One thing for each day this month!

Sometimes amongst our crazy and hectic lives, we often times forget the reasons we should wake up and smile each and every day. If you're having a bad day (or even a good one), I challenge you to also write a list of the things you're thankful for. Maybe your stresses and worries won't seem so big once you've been reminded of all the blessings in your life.

These are the things I'm thankful for:

1) my family- I know this is so redundant, but I truly am blessed by my family. My mom, dad, and step dad do a tremendous amount of always supporting me and helping me out

2) getting an education- as much as I want to pull my hair out over school sometimes, I can't help but be grateful that I'm able to go to college in the first place

3) tea (specifically Irish breakfast tea)- I love love LOVE tea, it's definitely my saving grace lately. I have a cup first thing in the morning, and several times again throughout the day. All I need is a spot of honey and a splash of milk

4) mugs- coinciding with tea, I am thankful for mugs. Now this is kind of silly, but mugs warm my heart as much as they warm my hands. Most of my mugs are gifts from friends, and if that doesn't brighten my morning, I don't know what does

5) friends- I don't know how this happened, but I have THE BEST friends in the entire world. Even if our time together is as simple as having a study date, there's no doubt my day just instantly got better

6) KitchenAid stand mixers- I bought myself a KitchenAid this past summer, and my Pinterest baking dreams have come true. I really am thankful for this helpful, handy, kitchen device

7) my roommates- I literally have the best roommates (who also happen to be a part of those amazing friends I was talking about) They are always there for me when I need them, and I enjoy our constant laughter, "family" dinners, and uplifting talks. There is no judgement in our household, and for that alone I am thankful

8) laundry detergent- most people dread doing laundry. I love doing laundry. I'm so thankful for the wonderful smelling selection of laundry detergents, and the way it fragrances my home on laundry day

9) good food- food is the way to my heart, and one of my favorite pastimes is exploring new restaurants. Good food is a blessing

10) Grandma's pecan pie- grandma, and pie. You know it's gotta be good. My grandma is known for her personal pecan pies at family gatherings. My cousins love to fight over them and hide them from each other, it's quite entertaining (and I know it makes my gma's heart happy)

11) cozy blankets- I've had a blanket obsession for as far as I can remember. I always keep a throw at the foot of my bed, and can't sleep without it

12) werther's caramel apple candies- thank goodness these things aren't a limited edition fall thing, because I love these things. They have a hard caramel outside, a melty apple inside, and they're just delicious

13) my boyfriend- I'm so thankful to have someone who understands who I am and appreciates my little quirks. Even though I'm "a lot", I know I'm still loved unconditionally

14) Jesus- the Lord is sovereign and forgives me for my sins. His love is unconditional, and I am most thankful for that

15) fuzzy socks- I'm currently wearing a pair of fuzzy lamb socks, and my warm feet are thanking me

16) cheesy sayings- cheesy sayings always brighten my day, in fact, you can find a gallery of them when you walk in my home, lol "let your heart sing" "oh, let's be adventurous darling" "don't quit your day dreams"

17) hand-written notes- I'm a bit old-fashioned at times, and adore sending a hand-written card I made, or thank you notes. So receiving birthday cards or letters make my heart sing. I keep every single card given to me, and cherish them deeply

18) ice- this too is a bit of an odd one, but I'm thankful for ice. I like a lot of ice in my water,  and I swear it tastes better. I'm also really thankful for ice rinks (I used to figure skate)

19) animals- animals are just the most fascinating creations. Nothing makes my day like a fuzzy animal baby picture

20) home- my heart is in so many different places, but home is where everyone I love is. I'm thankful for my home with my roommates, my mom's home, and my dad's home (wow, I just realized I have three rooms)

21) rainstorms- my favorite type of day is stormy and chilly, and I'm loving life when these days actually occur. Curling up in something warm, lighting a candle, and reading a good book cozied up isn't comparable to anything else

22) scripture- when the going gets rough, I always turn to my bible. I am so so so thankful for the words that soothe my soul

23) Texas- I'm thankful for Texas, and all things Texas. Bluebonnets, good Mexican food, southern hospitality, breakfast tacos, etc.

24) bubble baths- baths are just so relaxing, especially with a bath bomb or bubble bar from Lush.

25) The Food Network- to me, this is the greatest TV channel of all times. It's the only thing I really watch on TV, and I'm also thankful my roommates enjoy watching with me. We love Guy's Grocery Games, and Chopped :)

26) my job- I'm thankful my parents don't make me work while I'm in school, but I decided to get a part-time job to feed my shopping problem (I don't really have a shopping problem) I work at Ann Taylor Loft, and I love all my co-workers...and the discount :P

27) macarons- they're my favorite. End of story.

28) my health- so far, so good. For the most part I always eat really healthy, and try to take care of myself. I'm thankful for good health and the doctor's who take care of me

29) quiet time- if it weren't for quiet time, I may have not made it this far. I love the mornings I have nothing on my to-do list (this is pretty rare) and can lay in bed, have some tea, and do a devotional

30) the holiday season- I love the holidays. For me this means getting to see family I haven't seen in a while, and filling my heart with the love that comes from being with them. I haven't been home in a few months, and I'm looking forward to seeing loved ones coming up soon

What are you thankful for? :)



  1. Such a great way to start off the month and to remind ourselves who and what we have in our lives to be thankful for! I might have to follow you and do this for myself!

    1. I'm really looking forward to reading what you're thankful for if/when you make a post for yourself :) doing this was really an encouraging experience for me

  2. What a great post! This is my first time stopping by your blog and I love it! :) Excited to read more. I love holidays and all that they entail. Great idea to share what you're thankful for!

    1. Ah! Thank you so so much :) honestly the idea for the post came into my head the day of posting, so it's great to hear that it was actually a good one! Thank you for loving on my blog, it's always so encouraging!

  3. Oh. My. Word. This is my first time here and I think we should be best friends. It was like I was reading my own list. Only a few exceptions..I hate laundry and I am more of a coffee gal rather than tea. I am really looking forward to getting to know you more! I will be back! :)

    1. I just love when I read someone's words and feel as if they're my own, so in that case, yes. We should be best friends! lol. And I guess I only like half of laundry, because honestly, I dread putting it away and always end up tumbling my things in the drier more than one time around. Thank you so much for finding me :)


family > everything

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